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Public Archive / share-mods-archive / encoding found
Mr.Smoothy(BCS) 10/11/2022 10:54 PM
10:54 PM
encoded code found , Check #rules once .
literally the only thing that is encoded is the credits, the reason is obvious You can buy yourself that do not have any viruses and so on. But well, if you want absolutely nothing coded, I'll update this later.
10:59 PM
encoded code found , Check #rules once .
/home/era/gmt+3:30 10/12/2022 3:42 AM
Really? Just for the credits? Is that what the world has come to?
👎 1
D E S T I N Y 10/12/2022 4:22 AM
yeah so?
4:23 AM
whats wrong with taking credit for the work you have done?
Mr.Smoothy(BCS) 10/12/2022 4:27 AM
No one against the credit , By looking at code no one can that base64 string is just a text node for credit . (Unless ur brain can decode it).
4:28 AM
It can be anything inside encoded string, thata why it's encoded and that's why that rules exists to avoid such practice (edited)
D E S T I N Y 10/12/2022 4:33 AM
and thats why we have such a powerful group with some very knowledgeable modders such as you sir to warn or to support.
Bear [GMT -5] 10/12/2022 8:41 AM
I don't understand why so much mistrust, it's just to prevent those who know a little about bs from changing the credits so easily. I have already created other mods and do not aim to harm others. Also base64 is very easy to decode... Don't trust something that can't be decoded. like that mod you already know. (edited)
Bear [GMT -5]
I don't understand why so much mistrust, it's just to prevent those who know a little about bs from changing the credits so easily. I have already created other mods and do not aim to harm others. Also base64 is very easy to decode... Don't trust something that can't be decoded. like that mod you already know. (edited)
Yes, literally the first version that was posted here had the same thing about the credits and I didn't see anyone saying anything about it. Maybe it was my mistake not to post again the message that the mod only had that part base64 encoded
10:12 AM
Zacker Tz
Yes, literally the first version that was posted here had the same thing about the credits and I didn't see anyone saying anything about it. Maybe it was my mistake not to post again the message that the mod only had that part base64 encoded
Mr.Smoothy(BCS) 10/12/2022 10:25 AM
as I mentioned above also ,it not about any credit or anything ,, i looked into file , and found base64 code , I added disclaimer .
Mr.Smoothy(BCS) 10/12/2022 10:35 AM
and saying like "mistrust" ,"against credits" makes no sense , .I am not doing this for myself , or have any personal reasons . I am just trying maintaining server integrity and safety for everyone . it can be anything inside encoded form of code ...if ignored then some other person will also do same , and will point to this post .
Bear [GMT -5]
I don't understand why so much mistrust, it's just to prevent those who know a little about bs from changing the credits so easily. I have already created other mods and do not aim to harm others. Also base64 is very easy to decode... Don't trust something that can't be decoded. like that mod you already know. (edited)
Mr.Smoothy(BCS) 10/12/2022 10:37 AM
and if we know person , or how many mods they made/shared .....doesnt matter .
10:38 AM
byangel sharing from long , and on informing he just deleted and reposted ..without asking anything (edited)
and saying like "mistrust" ,"against credits" makes no sense , .I am not doing this for myself , or have any personal reasons . I am just trying maintaining server integrity and safety for everyone . it can be anything inside encoded form of code ...if ignored then some other person will also do same , and will point to this post .
But what would be different is that I already showed you what exactly the base64 code has and why I decoded it (you can also see for yourself), I already said I would change the message to the version without base64 bear_wave In a few moments I will edit it and it will be ready fall (edited)
Zacker Tz
But what would be different is that I already showed you what exactly the base64 code has and why I decoded it (you can also see for yourself), I already said I would change the message to the version without base64 bear_wave In a few moments I will edit it and it will be ready fall (edited)
Mr.Smoothy(BCS) 10/12/2022 10:50 AM
actual issue is this time its small snippet of base64 , next time maybe bigger by some one , or small small many such snippets here there
10:50 AM
and moderators cant go copy paste and decode to check again and again. (edited)
leave everything now, I will change the code and republish it.
10:51 AM
materia fecal
Mr.Smoothy(BCS) 10/12/2022 10:51 AM
I hardly spend 3 seconds per file to check.
Bear [GMT -5] 10/12/2022 5:29 PM
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